Boosting Member Engagement: How LION's Data-Driven Survey Transformed a DC Association's Strategy

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LION was contracted by a DC-based association to survey their members in order to gain a deeper understanding of what their members want and how best to engage them. We were tasked with developing a survey that would provide information on which members were engaged, the level of engagement at their members’ organizations, the value of the association membership, and overall member satisfaction.

LION deployed a 25-question survey divided into three sections: Demographics, Engagement, and Satisfaction. We additionally drafted accompanying emails, developed the deployment timeline, and created an engagement strategy for redeployments. 

The survey emails garnered a near-40% open rate with a 22% click-through-rate. The membership survey was so well received, nearly 20% of the respondents requested additional information on ways to get more involved in the association.

The LION-driven survey achieved over a 450% respondent increase from the association’s previous, self-deployed membership survey.


Through this major boost in survey responses, LION was able to provide the association valuable insights, such as:

  •  A significant portion of their members don’t know if others within their organization utilize the membership
  • The vast majority of their members joined and continue to be a member for reasons beyond the association’s major trade show, contrary to preconceived beliefs
  • Well over a third of member organizations’ CEOs are not aware of their association membership
  • Nearly half of their members struggled to find association resources when needed

The many insights that were gleaned from this survey led to multiple LION recommendations. Examples include: 1-pager of top membership opportunities, member resource guide, CEO outreach campaign, committee participation calls-to-action, member-benefits email and social media campaign, new/young member retention campaign. LION continues to partner with this client each year. 

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